實驗相關文獻 in 管理科學 Management Science

有人整理了專門發表在 Management Science 的文章,哇,沒想到有這麼多…, 以下列出一些我較有興趣、近期的實驗相關文獻

Abdellaoui, M., E. Diecidue and A. Öncüler. 2011. Risk preferences at different time periods: An experimental investigation. Management Science (May): 975-987.

Abdellaoui, M., F. Vossmann and M. Weber. 2005. Choice-based elicitation and decomposition of decision weights for gains and losses under uncertainty. Management Science (September): 1384-1399. (JSTOR link).

Abedellaoui, M., O. L’Haridon and C. Paraschiv. 2011. Experience vs. described uncertainty: Do we need two prospect theory specifications? Management Science (October): 1879-1895.

Allon, G. and A. Bassamboo. 2011. Buying from the babbling retailer? The impact of availability information on customer behavior. Management Science (April): 713-726.

Amaldoss, W. and S. Jain. 2005. Conspicuous consumption and sophisticated thinking. Management Science (October): 1449-1466. (JSTOR link).

這篇是理論, 但也有 Laboratory test

Aral, S. and D. Walker. 2011. Creating social contagion through viral product design: A randomized trial of peer influence in networks. Management Science (September): 1623-1639.

Budescu, D. V. and B. Maciejovsky. 2005. The effect of payoff feedback and information pooling on reasoning errors: Evidence from experimental markets. Management Science (December): 1829-1843. (JSTOR link).

Cason, T. N., K. N. Kannan and R. Siebert. 2011. An experimental study of information revelation policies in sequential auctions. Management Science (April): 667-688.

Chen, H., S. H. Ham and N. Lim. 2011. Designing multiperson tournaments with asymmetric contestants: An experimental study. Management Science (May): 864-883.

Chen-Ritzo, C., T. P. Harrison, A. M. Kwasnica and D. J. Thomas. 2005. Better, faster, cheaper: An experimental analysis of a multiattribute reverse auction mechanism with restricted information feedback. Management Science (December): 1753-1762. (JSTOR link).

Ding, M., J. Eliashberg, J. Huber and R. Saini. 2005. Emotional bidders: An analytical and experimental examination of consumers’ behavior in a priceline-like reverse auction. Management Science (March): 352-364. (JSTOR link).

Harbaugh, R., J. W. Maxwell and B. Roussillon. 2011. Label confusion: The Groucho effect of uncertain standards. Management Science (September): 1512-1527.

Harbring, C. and B. Irlenbusch. 2011. Sabotage in tournaments: Evidence from a laboratory experiment. Management Science (April): 611-627.

Kalkanci, B., Y. Chen and F. Erhun. 2011. Contract complexity and performance under asymmetric demand information: An experimental evaluation. Management Science (April): 689-704.

Katok, E. and E. Siemsen. 2011. Why genius leads to adversity: Experimental evidence on the reputational effects of task difficulty choices. Management Science (June): 1042-1054.

Oiu, J. and E. Steiger. 2011. Understanding the tow components of risk attitudes: An experimental analysis. Management Science (January): 193-199.

Stecher, J., T. Shields and J. Dickhaut. 2011. Generating ambiguity in the laboratory. Management Science (April): 705-712.
