A first test of focusing theory

Date: 2016
By: Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus
Riener, Gerhard
URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:zbw:dicedp:214&r=net
Focusing theory hypothesizes a bias toward concentration according to which consumers prefer goods with one outstanding feature over those with several smaller sized upsides. In contrast to models of present-biased behavior, focusing theory prescribes also future-biased behavior if an option’s future reward is particularly outstanding. Our laboratory experiment yields substantial support for the bias toward concentration and finds both present-biased and future-biased choices as predicted by focusing theory.
Keywords: Attention,Focusing,Rational choice


JEL: D03 D11 D90

Management and Marketing Sciences’ Reaction to the Networked World

By: Percin Batum (Anadolu University)
URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:sek:iefpro:3205699&r=net
The purpose of the exploratory study is to compare the perspectives of management and marketing sciences on networks and reveal out why and how firms become connected and interdependent, and how the relationships affect their ability to compete according to these perspectives. For this purpose, network theory has been taken as a common ground. The management theories which form the network theory and relationship marketing have been discussed. In this paper, the difference between the perception of management and marketing sciences on networks have been expressed in terms of the components of ARA Model. It is possible to notice that some issues have been reverted under different components. This paper aims to put emphasize on that the two arm in arm sciences are in the opposite edges and explain why by presenting the attitude of two different sciences to networks through a model which explains the network theory. It is hoped that this paper helps decision takers to be enlightened if they act as a manager or marketer.
Keywords: Relationship marketing, The network approach, ARA model, Interaction approach, Resource dependence theory, Social exchange theory, Institutional theory
JEL: M31 L19 M19