GIMS, an open source market software

S. Palan, GIMS-Software for asset market experiments. J. Behav. Exp. Finance 5, 1–14, (2015). Medline doi:10.1016/j.jbef.2015.02.001 (可免費閱讀)

==by YNY==

GIMS 是架在 z-Tree 上,專門用來跑財務資產市場 (又稱 double auction asset market) 的實驗平台軟體,採開放源碼 (open source) 授權。

此文亦介紹、比較了其它相關的財務市場實驗平台軟體,參見文中的 Table 1。

  • EconPort MarketLink(based on Java and experiments can be run over the internet)
  • Flex-E-Markets(not open source)
  • GIMS(based on z-Tree)
  • jMarkets (open-source software based on Java)
  • Rotman Interactive Trader (非免費)
  • SoPHIE Labs (非免費)

Continuous double auction market interface


哈佛管理評論(中文版), 2003/07/31出版

作者:理查德.蔡斯(Richard B. Chase), 蘇利蘭.達蘇(Sriram Dasu)讓服務更完美的祕訣 運用行為科學研究顧客體驗

see also


行為科學提供新的視野,可以提升服務管理。… 行為科學研究的發現,轉化成五個操作原則。

  • 第一,結束時要有力:結束比開始更重要,因為留給顧客回憶的是結束時。
  • 第二,讓不好的經驗早結束早好:在一連串事件中,大家喜歡先苦後甘。
  • 第三,愉快的事情分段享受,痛苦的事情一次解決:因為任何事情如果予以分割,感覺比較長久,因此最好整合無聊或是不愉快的程序步驟,一次就解決掉。
  • 第四,讓顧客自己選擇,才能全心投入:一般人認為,能夠對整個過程,尤其是不愉快的過程有所控制,就會比較愉快。
  • 第五,提供一套奉行的儀式:大多數設計服務的人不了解,人們有多喜歡固守儀式




人是如何注意到時間的推移,以及如何估計時間持續的長短?…(1) 專心做一件事情,不會注意到經過多久。… (2) 專心注意時間長短的話,就會高估時間。(3) …將時間分割得愈細,就會覺得時間愈長久。.

… 主宰人對時間估算的因素,似乎是這個經驗是否愉快以及安排的程序


人們總是希望事情要有意義,如果意外事件沒有適當的解釋,就會憑空杜撰一個。行為科學家稱之為「反事實的想法」(counterfactual thinking),不過叫做「第二種猜想」(second-guessing)比較容易理解。(YNY: 應該和「找藉口」的習慣類似)。…人們需要的是解釋,必要時會自己憑空杜撰

Experimental practices in economics: A methodological challenge for psychologists?

Ralph Hertwig  and Andreas Ortmann (2001) “Experimental practices in economics: A methodological challenge for psychologists?." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 03, June 2001, pp 383-403. 提供的 [PDF]



This target article is concerned with the implications of the surprisingly different experimental practices in economics and in areas of psychology relevant to both economists and psychologists, such as behavioral decision making. We consider four features of experimentation in economics, namely, script enactment, repeated trials, performance-based monetary payments, and the proscription against deception, and compare them to experimental practices in psychology, primarily in the area of behavioral decision making. Whereas economists bring a precisely defined “script” to experiments for participants to enact, psychologists often do not provide such a script, leaving participants to infer what choices the situation affords. By often using repeated experimental trials, economists allow participants to learn about the task and the environment; psychologists typically do not. Economists generally pay participants on the basis of clearly defined performance criteria; psychologists usually pay a flat fee or grant a fixed amount of course credit. Economists virtually never deceive participants; psychologists, especially in some areas of inquiry, often do. We argue that experimental standards in economics are regulatory in that they allow for little variation between the experimental practices of individual researchers. The experimental standards in psychology, by contrast, are comparatively laissez-faire. We believe that the wider range of experimental practices in psychology reflects a lack of procedural regularity that may contribute to the variability of empirical findings in the research fields under consideration. We conclude with a call for more research on the consequences of methodological preferences, such as the use on monetary payments, and propose a “do-it-both-ways” rule regarding the enactment of scripts, repetition of trials, and performance-based monetary payments. We also argue, on pragmatic grounds, that the default practice should be not to deceive participants.
Key Words: behavioral decision making; cognitive illusions; deception; experimental design; experimental economics; experimental practices; financial incentives; learning; role playing.

The Intellectual Property Marketplace: Emerging Transaction and Investment Vehicles*

Malackowski, J. E., Cardoza, K., Gray, C., & Conroy, R. (2007). The Intellectual Property Marketplace: Emerging Transaction and Investment Vehicles. Licensing Journal, 27(2), 1-11. **

==notes by yinung==

p. 9 提到以證券交易的概念來「發行IP」,以專業評估決定發行「授權數量」(例如100 million units over
five years),然後 IP 擁有的公司再決定釋出多少授權數目, 每個授權(例如 70 million units at three cents a unit),由市場進行交易

IP 交易係由  or litigation 之壓力下所形成; 其交易成本很大,交易完成時間需 6-18 個月

… the historic IP marketplace, there are a number of key conclusions. First, the market was primarily motivated by the threat of patent enforcement or litigation. Second, there were very high transaction costs associated with transferring IP rights. .. it often takes 6 to 18 months to complete a deal, and this comes at significant costs.

第一次 Ocean Tomo 的 IP auction in San Francisco, April 2006.

1200 patent 中有 430 項列入拍賣,分成 78 lots, 400 人出席,交易金額 8.5 m 美元; 44 % 成交 (一般汽車拍賣成交率約 1/3 ` 1/2),此外還有 off the floor 交易

第二次 auction 成交金額 2.39 m

Should I sell or should I license 賣斷還是授權?


over the last 30 years the labor and industrial economy has been supplanted by the knowledge economy.


In 1975, more than 80 percent of the US market’s value was composed of tangible assets: factories, machines, and inventory. Now in 2006, less then 20 percent of the market’s value is composed of tangible assets, with the 80 percent balance associated with intangible assets.

Ocean Tomo 300 指數 in 2006

On September 13, 2006, Ocean Tomo launched the Ocean Tomo 300™ Patent Index—the first equity index based on the value of corporate IP.

… First published on May 26, 1896, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), created by Wall Street Journal editor and Dow Jones & Company founder Charles Dow, represented the average of 12 stocks from various important US industries. … Nasdaq began trading on February 8, 1971
… On March 4, 1957, a broad, real-time stock market index, the Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) was introduced.


patent enforcement

patent trolls

(refer to them more appropriately as Patent Licensing and Enforcement Companies or “P-LECs”)
